About IAVS 2024
The 66th IAVS Annual Symposium 2024 will be held in Funchal, in Madeira Island, Portugal, from the 16th to the 20th of September 2024. The theme of the Symposium will be ‘From local to global: vegetation patterns across spatial scales in a changing World’. A simultaneous joint event, the 32nd Conference of the IAVS Working Group European Vegetation Survey will also take place there. Some events will be shared between both meetings, namely some parallel sessions, the mid-symposium excursion, and some social events. The theme of the EVS conference will be ‘Vegetation of sea, oceanic and ecological islands of Europe’.
Madeira is a large island in the NE Atlantic Ocean about 1000 Km SW of mainland Europe and it is a beautiful natural and historical setting: laurel forest, endemic vegetation, and the city of Funchal.
The symposium and conference are being organised by a group of Portuguese, Spanish, French and Ukraine IAVS members working for long in the islands of Macaronesia, the group of Azores, Madeira, Salvage, the Canaries and Cape Verde archipelagos. The IAVS symposium and EVS conference will be hosted, primarily, by the University of Madeira (Portugal), in association with the universities of Porto, Lisbon, Bilbao (Spain) and Occidental Britanny (Brest, France).
We, the organizers, chose the theme of vegetation change assessment in multiple space and time scales because of the impending need of Vegetation Science to actively contribute to keeping and restoring of Earth’s ecosystems.
Key Dates
Abstracts Deadline:
20 May 2024
Travel Grant Submission Deadline:
5 May 2024
Notification to authors on abstract acceptance:
31 May 2024
Earlybird Registration Deadline:
30 June 2024
Authors Registration Deadline
20 July 2024
Express your interest
Fill in the expression of interest form to be kept up to date with information on the 66th International Association for Vegetation Science Annual Symposium
Jorge Capelo - (INIAV - Oeiras, CIBIO - University of Porto, Portugal)
Miguel Sequeira - (GBM, University of Madeira, Portugal)
Sandra Mesquita - (GBM, University of Madeira, Portugal)
Javier Loidi - (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
Célia Bairos - (GBM, University of Madeira, Portugal)
Carlos Vila-Viçosa - (CIBIO, University of Porto, Portugal)
Rui Bento Elias - (cE3c, University of the Azores, Portugal)
Manuela Gouveia - (GBM, CIBIO, University of Madeira, Portugal)
Anna Kuzemko - (National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Ukraine)

Juana Mancebo - (University of La Laguna, Spain)
Angel Fernández - (Garajonay National Park, Spain)
Carlos Gois Marques - (GBM, University of Madeira, Portugal)
Frederic Bioret - (Université de Bretagne Occidentale, France)
Francisca Aguiar - (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Arnoldo Santos Guerra - (Jardin Botánico de La Orotava, Tenerife, Spain)
Jonay Cubas - (Dpto. de Botánica, Ecología y Fisiología Vegetal, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain)