Wednesday, 18 September
Information to participants of these tours, will be sent by email shortly
Saturday, 7 September - Saturday, 14 September
Sunday, 22 September - Friday, 27 September

The new Pre-Symposium excursion replaces the one we first planned for the Azores Islands. We had to change plans due to unexpected very high touristic demand in 2024 for the Azores causing unsurmountable logistic difficulties to the IAVS2024 group.
The new excursion to the Madeira archipelago will be no less fantastic. We will visit a great deal of the main Island of Madeira, the Desertas and the Porto Santo Islands. The trip will include in-depth visits to the best stretches of temperate laurel forest, mediterranean laurel forests, succulent-sclerophyllous high-scrub, and beautiful sea cliff vegetation. We will also travel by boat to the Desert Islands (one-day trip) and to the Porto-Santo island (two-day trip). We will visit breathtaking madeiran landscapes and endemic flora (and fauna e.g. seals, cetaceans, hopefully). The visit will be guided by world-class macaronesian plant taxonomists and vegetation ecologists, namely Miguel Sequeira (the co-chair of the Organizing Committee, yes).
The post-symposium field excursion, will start on Sunday, 22nd of September and ends on Friday, 27th of September.
The tour starts/ends in Tenerife (Canary Island, Spain) and price does not include the travel cost between Funchal (Madeira) and the Canary Islands and back to point of origin, which will be each participant’s account.
The preliminary itinerary encompasses visits to two Canary islands: Tenerife and La Gomera. The field trip will allow for observing most of the vegetation types which occur on this Macaronesian Archipelago, under Mediterranean climate: laurel forests, endemic heathlands, succulent spurge scrub, rock vegetation.
To apply and reserve, participants must comply with the following procedures:
- Registration for the IAVS Symposium 2024 must be made and paid
- Contact the Spanish Agency - Viajes Sabanda - for confirmation and direct payment of the post-excursion
Contact: reservas@sabandaviajes.com; josecmedina@sabandaviajes.com
Please mention the name of the congress “IAVS2024”
You will be asked for proof of registration at IAVS2024
Detailed program, prices & conditions - click here
During the field excursion participants will get an overview of the most representative ecosystems of Madeira Island and some of its Flora.
In each of the field excursions participants will get an overview of some of the most representative landscape, ecosystem, vegetation-types and flora of Madeira.

PRE- AND POST-SYMPOSIUM EXCURSIONS have a limited number of participants, no more than 30 per excursion.
After opening registrations to the Pre- and Post-Symposium excursions and getting the final price (very soon), we hope to close inscriptions maximum in a month time, so that participants may book flights in due time. Prices, payment and details will be indicated in a dedicated mailing list.
Scientific guides are local experts but also world-class vegetation ecologists: Rui Elias (University of the Azores, Portugal), Juana Mancebo (University of La Laguna, Spain) and Angel Fernández (Garajonay National Park, Spain)
For any questions , please contact: iavs2024@mundiconvenius.pt
Excursion #1, #2 and #3 (Sold Out) – “Temperate laurel forest, heath tall shrub”, Bica da cana - Levada do Folhadal – Encumeada, medium difficulty, straight terrain 11,5 Km, 6 – 8h, crossing two tunnels (charge cellphones as lantern)
See details here*
Bus leaves from the hotel at 10h00 am
Arrival time at the hotel at 19h30 pm
Excursion #4 (Sold Out) – “Chasmophyte vegetation, mediterranean laurel forest”, Maiata - Risco – Maroços, beautiful cliff vegetation, medium difficulty 4- 6 h, linear, no-tunnels, almost always downhill.
Bus leaves from the hotel at 10h20 am
Arrival time at the hotel at 19h00 pm
Excursion #5 (Sold Out) – Mediterranean macaronesian high-scrub, mediterranean oleaster forest”, Prazeres to Paúl do Mar, beautiful vegetation and also cultural macaronesian cultural landscape, medium difficulty, 3h, descent.
See details here*
Bus leaves from the hotel at 10h40 am
Arrival time at the hotel at 17h00 pm
Excursion #6 – “Temperate laurel forest, high heath scrub”, Levada dos Cedros, 4-6h, linear, flat and soft climb, level of difficulty easy.
See details here*
Bus leaves from the hotel at 07h15 am
Arrival time at the hotel at 16h00 pm
Due to limited places in each bus, some participants may be invited to join another excursion, accounting for order of registration. But, do not worry, all excursions go through incredible vegetation, flora and landscapes.
*The links shown on the different trails are merely indicative and the trails proposed are in fact shorter than the ones depicted.
Photos by Miguel Sequeira
For any query, please contact
All participants of this tour have been informed and instructed by email.
Due to the wildfire in Madeira (please see message from LOC), some of the Mid-Symposium Excursions have been affected and have changed, as follows: